Beat Coffee: A Re-Brand with Augmented Reality Packaging

Bringing the Voice of the Brand to Life

The inspiration for the Beat Coffee rebrand was to capture the voice of the brand. Designer Paul Meeuwsen, along with his team, aimed to create a brand identity that truly represented the essence of Beat Coffee. Through a comprehensive brand and marketing strategy process, they were able to translate the voice of the owner into a brand mark that came to life. This unique design was then further enhanced through packaging that animated via Augmented Reality.

Beat Coffee's rebranding project stands out from others due to its innovative approach in capturing the brand's voice. By using the voice of the client, the design team was able to create a brand mark that truly represents the essence of Beat Coffee. This brand mark was then translated into packaging that utilizes Augmented Reality, adding an interactive and engaging element to the overall brand experience.

The utilization of Augmented Reality technology in the packaging design sets Beat Coffee apart from its competitors. This innovative feature allows customers to have a unique and immersive experience when interacting with the product. By simply scanning the packaging with a smartphone or tablet, customers can unlock animated content, enhancing their overall coffee-drinking experience.

The realization of this design was made possible through the use of Augmented Reality technology. By integrating this technology into the packaging, Beat Coffee was able to create a truly interactive and memorable brand experience for its customers. The combination of the brand mark and the Augmented Reality packaging creates a cohesive and engaging visual identity for the brand.

The design team, led by Paul Meeuwsen, worked closely with the client to ensure that the brand strategy and positioning were aligned with the company's values. Through a process of discovery and customer research, they were able to gain insights into what customers liked about Beat Coffee and what they cared about. This information formed the foundation for the brand strategy, which was then translated into the positioning, tone of voice, and ultimately, the brand mark and touchpoints.

The Beat Coffee rebranding project took approximately 3-6 months to complete. The design team conducted extensive research, including market insights, competitor analysis, and customer feedback, to ensure that the new brand identity resonated with the target audience. The creative team faced the challenge of creating a brand that was customer-focused, fun, and in line with the company's principles. Through their dedication and creativity, they were able to overcome these challenges and deliver a brand identity that truly represents the spirit of Beat Coffee.

Beat Coffee's rebranding project has received recognition for its creativity and ingenuity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in 2021 in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity and resourcefulness, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. The Beat Coffee rebrand stands as a testament to the team's strong technical and creative skills, contributing to an improved quality of life for coffee enthusiasts around the world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Paul Meeuwsen
Image Credits: Paul Meeuwsen
Project Team Members: Paul Meeuwsen Todd Watts Cassy Bezeruk Austin Davey
Project Name: Beat Coffee
Project Client: Paul Meeuwsen

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