Museum Hanmi Exhibition

Book Design

He designed a photo collection of "Inside Out, A History of Korean Photography 1929-1982", which is the opening exhibition of the Museum Hanmi Exhibition. As a historical exhibition that looks back on the past 50 years of Korean photography, he follows in the footsteps of what institutional conditions Korean photography made history from 1929 to 1982.

Designer Sunghoon Kim has created a stunning book design for the Museum Hanmi Exhibition's opening exhibition, "Inside Out, A History of Korean Photography 1929-1982". This historical exhibition aims to provide a comprehensive look at the past 50 years of Korean photography and the institutional conditions that shaped its history. Kim's design beautifully captures the essence of the exhibition and offers a unique and engaging experience for visitors.

One of the standout features of Kim's design is the use of black and white as design elements throughout the book. This choice was directly inspired by the word "photo" and the exhibition's focus on Korea's photography history. The cover and interior of the book utilize black and white in a way that mimics the play of light and darkness in photography, creating a visually striking and immersive experience.

In addition to the use of black and white, Kim incorporates intuitive parentheses as graphic elements, reflecting the exhibition's title, "Inside Out". These elements add a touch of creativity and intrigue to the design, further enhancing the overall aesthetic.

To bring the design to life, Kim utilized various printing techniques and materials. The cover of the book comes in two versions: black and white. The black version features hot foil stamping with glossy black and glossy red, while the white version utilizes hot foil stamping with pearl and glossy red. The choice of matte paper for the interior pages ensures that the historical photographs are showcased in the best possible way.

Another notable aspect of the book design is its binding. The book is tied with thread, allowing it to be fully unfolded and explored by readers. This unique feature adds a tactile element to the design and encourages a deeper engagement with the content.

Kim's design for the Museum Hanmi Exhibition's book not only complements the exhibition itself but also serves as a standalone piece that captures the essence of Korea's photography history. By creating a memorable and visually stunning book, Kim ensures that visitors can continue to reflect on and appreciate Korea's photo history long after the exhibition has ended.

Overall, Kim's design for the Museum Hanmi Exhibition's book is a testament to his creativity and attention to detail. Through his thoughtful use of design elements and materials, he has created a visually captivating and immersive experience that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on visitors.

Image Credits: Kim Sunghoon

Awards and Accolades: This Design was awarded Bronze in A' Print and Published Media Design Award in 2023. Bronze A' Design Award: Bestowed upon outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that authenticate experience and resourcefulness. Esteemed for incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, they exhibit strong technical and creative skills and contribute to quality of life improvements, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: sunghoon kim
Image Credits: Kim Sunghoon
Project Team Members: Creative Directed & Designed by Kim Sunghoon
Project Name: Museum Hanmi Exhibition
Project Client: sunghoon kim

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