Douyin: A Unique Desktop Application Experience

Designed by the Douyin Experience Design Center

With the rise of digital media consumption, the Douyin Experience Design Center has created a unique desktop application that embodies the DNA of the Douyin brand while catering to the characteristics of PC equipment. This article explores the design process, unique properties, and the innovative technology behind Douyin's desktop application.

The Douyin desktop application is a breakthrough in product construction, providing an experience that not only carries the Douyin brand's essence but also conforms to the characteristics of PC equipment. This unique combination sets Douyin PC apart from other products in the market.

Douyin PC includes web and desktop applications, catering to the needs of computer users for large screen consumption in scenarios such as home and leisure, and off duty. The application offers recommended channels, live broadcasts, shopping, and private message interactive experiences. The aim is to make Douyin PC the first choice for users to discover and consume content in the computer scene, with a rich and diverse content offering that meets diversified needs.

The design process of Douyin PC involved a user research phase, where qualitative and quantitative tools such as user interviews, competitive product analysis, and data analysis were used to mine and analyze user needs. The design phase utilized Figma, Adobe After Effect, and Principle to design the desktop application and user interface, building a unique design system. In the product launch stage, continuous analysis and verification through AB tests were carried out, with product iteration through data feedback, and the ultimate content consumption experience brought to users through accurate recommendation algorithms.

The application is designed for all MacOS and Windows desktop sizes and adopts an adaptive design. The left navigation provides more vertical channels, and the recommended page is opened by default. Users can scroll the mouse to switch videos, use shortcut keys to like and bookmark, and can also shop while watching videos. It is also very convenient to give gifts while watching live broadcasts.

The project was launched in China in June 2021, with the Douyin web version launched. The Windows application was launched in January 2022, and the Mac application was launched in June 2022. This is an ongoing process with updates depending on new needs. The design faced challenges due to the large and growing user group, requiring the team to respond to changing and diverse user needs and constantly iterate product functions. At the product design level, designers needed to constantly explore how to provide users with a better and more differentiated consumption experience in the PC scenario.

Douyin PC shows a distinctive interactive experience of video consumption and broadcasting. Watching videos on the left side of the drawer panel and selecting related content on the right side can give users a sense of control. According to the operating characteristics of the keyboard and mouse, it provides more convenient and quick operation and more prominent feedback perception. The delight of user experience is crucial to designers, and they take visual aesthetics, ease of operation, and consumer immersion as product design principles to guide them to make a better design. This Design was awarded Silver in A' Interface, Interaction and User Experience Design Award in 2023.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Douyin Experience Design Center
Image Credits: Pictures and videos are from the free resource website:
Project Team Members: Sainan Guan Di Chen Wen Nie Zetao Guo Siyuan Ren
Project Name: Douyin
Project Client: Douyin Experience Design Center

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