Handmade Warmth: A Unique Approach to Brochure Design

Designers Alexander Kirzhbaum and Tatyana Farba Craft a Heartwarming Brochure for a Child Support Fund

Handmade Warmth, a brochure designed by Alexander Kirzhbaum and Tatyana Farba, is a unique blend of art and storytelling. The design, inspired by the complexity of life situations, uses thread illustrations to create a sense of warmth and security, reminiscent of childhood.

The design concept was inspired by the metaphor of a tangled ball of thread, representing the complex life situations that the Child Support Fund helps to untangle. The brochure features well-known characters from Russian children's literature, transforming them into warm, comforting figures through the use of thread illustrations. This approach not only communicates the work of the fund but also evokes a sense of nostalgia and security, akin to being read a story in childhood.

The unique properties of this design lie in its innovative use of materials and techniques. Kirzhbaum and Farba used foam boards, pins, and Mouline threads to create the illustrations. The contrast background was crucial for post-production. The final product measures 210 mm x 210 mm x 6 mm and is printed on paper matter.

The brochure is distributed to the fund's participants and partners and is updated and reprinted annually. The design aims to refresh the attention of existing participants and attract new ones. The project, which began in March 2016 and concluded in May 2016, was presented at the fund's annual forum.

The design process involved research on implementing the thread illustration technique effectively and quickly. The conservative nature of the client posed a challenge, but the final design was well-received. The primary challenge was to approach a difficult subject in a new way, aiming to evoke warmth and care rather than sympathy or compassion.

The Handmade Warmth brochure is a testament to the power of design in communicating complex ideas in a gentle, engaging manner. The thread illustrations, coupled with short poems for children, describe the fund's programs and projects in a way that is both kind and funny. This design not only communicates important information but also creates a warm, secure atmosphere that takes the reader back to their childhood.

The design was awarded the Golden A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2018, a testament to its outstanding creativity and impact. The copyright for this design belongs to Alexander Kirzhbaum.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Alexander Kirzhbaum
Image Credits: Alexander Kirzhbaum
Project Team Members: Alexander Kirzhbaum, Tatyana Farba
Project Name: Handmade warmth
Project Client: Alexander Kirzhbaum

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