Conflict: A Sculpture by Marc Kelly
Friends Forever: A Captivating Watercolor Artwork by Annemarie Ambrosoli
Return: A Sculptural Homage to the Rooster by Han Dong
Herzl: A Unique Blend of Art and Design
Vertical Line Garden
Hanoi Ceramic Mural
The Meteorite No K11: A Futuristic Art Installation
Art Installation Redefines Shopping Experience at K11
Honeycomb: A Harmonious Blend of Art and Technology
Interactive Waterfall: A Dynamic Art Installation
Sign Language: A Situational Display Stand
Umbrella Earth: A Thematic Installation
Leonardo 1482: A Renaissance-Inspired Interactive Light
Intersections: An Existential Artwork and Japanese Table

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Daily Design Showcase

Design of the Day
Design of the Day
Design Team of the Day
Design Team of the Day
Design Legend of the Day
Design Legend of the Day
Design Highlight of the Day
Design Highlight of the Day
Design Interview of the Day
Design Interview of the Day
Designer of the Day
Designer of the Day

Kepler-186f: A Fusion of Art and Furniture
Entangled Hands: A Fusion of Digital and Traditional Techniques
Dance with Life: A Public Art Installation by Kuo-Hsiang Kuo
Reborn: A Unique Wooden Vase with Metal Inlaying Techniques
Gradual Change of the Circle
Hitobito: A Captivating Art Installation at the Taipei Lantern Festival
Aeon: A Sculpture Installation by Jung-Mei Wou
Soar: A Sculpture Installation by Jung-Mei Wou
Knotted: A Sustainable Bench that Connects Generations
Motiva: Philosophical Art for Your Wall
Germination: An Immersive Installation by Atsushi Kobayashi
Coralarc: A Marvelous Intersection of Art and Technology
Beltman: A Fusion of Art and Design
Revolutionizing Public Art: The Horn by Jin Ying Yei Tao Pottery Ltd